Today I created some advanced features for the Mindweb application.
I mainly worked on the task management interface. Now the views can be changed using the sidebar. Beside the originally developed tree view, the task view with different groupings are available, the same way it's available in FreeplaneGTD plugin.
The basic project view is implemented very similar to the original tree view, except it only contains items, that are either marked as tasks, or projects. This can reduce the burden of managing overcrowded maps, if you use it for storing other related information, that are not tasks in a map. There are also grouped task views for looking at your tasks grouped by assignee, due date, and most importantly context.
I'm still working on keyboard navigation in the task view, add/remove tasks (currently a new node is added, that's not even visible on the task view)
I'm intending to design a new task editor interface, that's more task friendly, to supplement the current node detail editor. I intend to remove the possibility of adding nodes in the grouped task lists. Why? I see no point of adding a node to the map, unless it's project is set or it's in the inbox. From the grouped view however I can't determine which project the task should belong to. Unless of course, I design the new task interface to allow choosing from the available projects.
As a sidetrack configuration management was implemented. The icon configuration can be used, the same way it was available in the FreeplaneGTD. The default icons and the icon set is the same, as in Freeplane, to provide seamless integration. One major difference is, that Mindweb supports configuration changes. Once you change an icon in the configuration, all corresponding icons will be updated. If you remove a custom override for a built-in icon, such as tasks, it will reset all corresponding icons, to their defaults.
I find it fascinating, that after a few weeks of work, the application became usable on most modern browsers, save some annoying touch related issues. I hope I'll have time to carry on with the development.