As I detailed in the last article about my little side-project, for creating a web-based mindmap/task management application, I have gone through several architecture design stages. What that article doesn't mention, is the amount of refactoring it took in the modules themselves, to reach a working prototype.
Címkék: gtd javascript architecture freeplane freeplaneGTD mindweb typescript
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I've created an issue tracker to allow users to report issues, add feature requests about the Mindweb web based, freeplane compatible collaboration tool!
The issue tracker is available here.
Please share your ideas for development!
Címkék: gtd issues reporting freeplane freeplaneGTD mindweb gitlab
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This is the eleventh article in the attempt to form a blogging habit
This is the initial announcement of the availability of the first working version of a HTML 5 based freeplane viewer/editor.
I've been using Freeplane quite heavily, and it always caused a headache, that there is no way of accessing my maps from my phone or tablet. The only viewer available used Java applet, which is not even available on the desktop browsers anymore.
That's what brought this project to life, and the roadmap is even more exciting for both Freeplane fans, and GTD practitioners.
Címkék: gtd release freeplane freeplaneGTD mindweb
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This is the tenth article in the attempt to form a blogging habit
They say you cannot teach old dogs new tricks. It has been proven wrong many times, but the idea is, that once you have your own ways, it's hard to deviate from them.
Last summer I had plenty of time for experimentation. I've also had an old development idea I wanted to take on the road for some time. As I was very much stuck in the world of the Java enterprise, I decided to give the "new age" methodologies/technologies a go. I'll summarize the stages I've taken to learn, create and refactor the architecture to it's current, still non-final stage.
Experimenting with various ideas is always worth it, even if you end up where you started with.
Címkék: javascript development challenge architecture architect cassandra nosql SOA 21 days angularjs etcd microservice nodejs
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This is the ninth post in my attempt to form a blogging habit.
As I promised in the article about recruiters I follow up with some of my favorite real life interview stories.
The (mis)conduct of an interview can give an insight of how the company works. If you see too many warning signs, just walk away!
Címkék: story interview blogging habit HR 21 days
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- This is the ninth article in the attempt to form a habit.
One week after the start, and I feel it's time for some retrospective.
In the past days, I have been posting eight articles on various topics. So far it was quite easy, as I was rolling a few ideas ahead of me, for a while. It is becoming increasingly difficult, as time goes by.
Címkék: blog challenge blogging experience habit 21 days
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This is the eight post in my attempt to start a blogging habit.
Recruiters and headhunters have always had to find inventive ways to poach talent. As demand for experts in the IT sector increases, it is getting more and more difficult to get the open positions filled.
Since the demand for engineers is increases, it also increases the demand for recruiters to try to fill these positions. Recruitment is a profession unlike another, it takes years of experience, deep knowledge of the human psychology, and requires the understanding of the field as well. Unfortunately it's not only the best qualified professionals, who fill up the recruiter positions...
I'll try to collect a few of the archetypes, I've recognized in the past years, and classified, since I've started looking for opportunities.
Címkék: challenge recruiter 21 days
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Basic GTD template added to add-on.
More about using the template here.
As usual the add-on is available on the release site, or on GitHub.
You can use this direct link to download the add-on.
Címkék: gtd release freeplane freeplaneGTD
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This is the seventh post in my attempt to start a blogging habit.
Starting up your GTD system in Freeplane is quite easy, all you need is an inbox, a place to put your projects to, a place to put the items for review, and optionally a place to place your archive tasks.
It only takes a few minutes to create such a map, but I found it's always easier to use a ready made template, than to start from a blank map.
Címkék: gtd challenge 21 days freeplane freeplaneGTD
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This is the sixth post in my attempt to start a blogging habit.
When you mail order something really cheap from China, you must prepare to make compromises, or even some modifications. That was the case with this HDMI to VGA converter as well.